Chapter 4.
As part of the DNEE, a committee of six individuals should be
appointed from outside the government to report directly to
the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister. These
individuals should be accomplished in business and getting
things done under pressure. Getting things done is the key
phrase here. This small committee would be the nucleus of the
restructuring initiative. Just as in the last war, we relied
on Beaverbrook and others to fight for the national interest
as dollar-a-year men, I envisage this committee being
composed of individuals who have the nation's best interest
at heart and are not afraid of leadership.
Their prime objective should be to get spending under control
as quickly as possible and institute the 5% a year reduction
in spending over the next five years. How they propose to do
it would be their judgement call but their appointment should
only be made on the understanding that their recommendations
will be received and acted upon. This is not a Royal
Commission to delay action; this is a commission to act
immediately with the full force of the government behind them
under a DNEE.
Here is a short list of immediate steps that could be taken
right away to reduce spending.
1. All government salaries over $30,000 should be reduced by
an immediate 15%. No exceptions. M.P.'s and Senators as
well. Although it is difficult to get a handle on the
ratio of salaries to total government spending, I estimate
salaries account for 40% of total spending and this means
an immediate reduction in annual spending of at least $7
billion. There will be those who immediately react and say
removing this spending power from the public sector
employees will fuel the downturn even more. It will not
because these savings must be immediately recirculated as
tax credits to get the private sector economy moving as I
will point out below, so the spending power is just re-
distributed. Two, the cost of government is reduced
immediately which must be done.
2. All pensions being paid to individuals under 65 years and
who are gainfully employed in another position either in
government or the private sector are to be cut immediately
without exceptions. People who are not gainfully employed
under 65 will be placed on unemployment insurance for one
year just like any other Canadian. This will end the
endless debate on M.P.'s pensions and double dipping at
the stroke of a pen. It is basically unfair for government
workers to ask ordinary Canadians for benefits not
available to all.
3. No new capital expenditures over $50,000 are to be made by
any department without review by a special committee set
up to monitor the necessity of capital spending. There is
a surfeit of government buildings and offices, computers
and laser printers. It is time to reign in the madness
such as we recently learned (August 1993) when a
government functionary ordered the disposal of $250,000
worth of word processing software still in the packages.
4. Government travel and entertainment. We cannot afford
junkets at home and abroad and even if they are made in
the name of trade promotion. It is not my objective to
single anyone out but we just don't need these expenses
given the circumstances. Private business has cut back
and so should government. Real leadership demands an end
to this waste until we get our house in order.
These four items can be implemented within 24 hours of a DNEE
and their implementation will immediately signal to all
Canadians that the government is determined to get its own
spending under control. Any private business immersed in red
ink to the extent of the government would do no less.
The government should then move forward to put in place the
following programs.
5. Implement the modifications to the GST dealt with in
Chapter 5.
6. All grants, loans and subsidies to private business should
be cut immediately and replaced by broad tax incentives.
See Chapter 6.
7. Implement amendments to exempt the taxation of capital
gains dealt with in Chapter 7.
8. Implement modifications of investment criteria for RRSP
plans dealt with in Chapter 8.
9. Implement a Canada Works Plan outlined in Chapter 9.
10.Implement the accumulated debt reduction plan (ADRP)
outlined in Chapter 10.
11.Implement a fair trade program to replace "free" trade and
encourage competition. See Chapter 11.
12. Canadian Travel Tax Credit outlined in Chapter 12
Chapter 5
Generating immediate activity through tax credits.
Idle money serve no one. Money must be circulated within an
economy to take advantage of the special nature of our
banking system and fractional reserves. An expanding money
supply through re-lending of deposits and consumption is what
we need to aim for. Put the incentives in place and you will
arrive at that objective. A DNEE will have the impact of a
glass of cold water in the face. If it is enacted with the
proposed immediate and serious cuts in government spending,
there exists the window of opportunity for fiscal action to
re-store growth to the economy.
Our dollar is hitting new lows (August 1993) as I write this.
Our interest rates are at the lowest levels in twenty years,
yet borrowing is not taking place anywhere near the levels
these interest rates should stimulate. Why? We are
stagnating because the consumer like the government is
bankrupt. The enormous tax increases whether they be direct
income taxes, real estate, property and school taxes, or
sales taxes like the GST have impacted the consumer to the
point where the actual real disposable income for
discretionary expenses has been declining for some time. All
these taxes have finally come home to roost.
How do we encourage Canadians once again to begin spending to
start the cycle of economic expansion? As long as lay-offs in
the private sector continue to bombard the nightly news and
the uncertainty of the direction the economy is going to take
is unclear, Canadians will remain adrift in a sea of
indecision. They desparately need encouragement.
Encouragement by and through leadership. Once people sense
that a new policy shift has really taken place and it is no
longer business as usual, it can have a surprising effect on
the behaviour of people. We have been subjected to
conflicting messages for so long. We have lost direction in a
global economy we really do not understand. Our leadership
tells us to prepare for unprecendented competition, yet at
the same time plagues the private economy with a tax
structure designed to crumple it. Small wonder that the
average Canadian heads for cover. It is not the way to build
and grow an economy.
Ravi Batra, the noted American economist, said in a CNBC
television interview in 1990 that an economic depression was
first and foremost a depression of the mind. Nothing could be
more true. Canadians need to be encouraged. Once they sense
that government is really changing and cutting spending with
the consequential reduction in tax burdens, it will have
enormous impact on the psychology of the situation. Life is
always uncertain, but most people do look forward into the
future and attempt to materialize their hopes and dreams. It
would be a bleak existence if we could not look forward to
better times and that is exactly what plagues us now.
If we cut spending through the first measure of salary
rollbacks, we can easily afford to institute a sales tax
credit for durable goods to get consumers spending. A DNEE
with an immediate rollback of sales taxes on autos,
furniture, homes and other durables through a tax credit on
filing in 1994 would have an immediate stimulus to spending.
People have to be encouraged to spend. Sales tax rebates are
an ideal fiscal measure to do this. Notice I have not said
repeal or eliminate the GST, which I will deal with next. I
am proposing a tax rebate in the form of a credit against
your income tax. There is a reason for this. Many of us are
faced with the reality of lower interest rates on savings
thus reducing overall income. This has a double impact on
behaviour. People stop spending because of fear and what
they perceive their future income prospects are. Low interest
rates might encourage some to buy a house but low interest
rates discourage a lot of people from spending because after
taxes they have still less to spend. They must be encouraged
and a tax credit is an easy and fast way to get money
In the following pages, I will have much to say about using
the tax system to encourage Canadians to better themselves.
For too long the tax system has been a complex and mysterious
structure to the average Canadian. It has benefitted those
fortunate enough to have the lawyers and accountants at their
disposal to work the myriad schemes available. I propose a
major overhaul in the system with simplification the
objective and incentive oriented policy at the core with a
minimum of complexity. In plain English, you get a break
when you do something that helps the economy grow. Canada
needs investment and savings. Canada also needs to encourage
consumption. It is a double edged sword, yet surprisingly we
can use the tax system to achieve both ends.
Modifications to the GST.
The GST. We can all admit this is perceived as a hated tax
for whatever reason. If it had been implemented in a
different fashion on a graduated scale, the perception might
be totally different. It did replace a 13% federal sales tax
that was hidden and was applied to a far more narrow range of
manufactured goods. Our luck is that the GST was introduced
just at the time the economy was entering into a recession
and services were becoming a greater part of the economy.
The manner in which it is collected through the enforced
enlistment of millions of small businessmen has resulted in
the enormous hatred of the tax.
I wrote Michael Wilson at the time and said that as far as I
was concerned the manner in which it is collected and the
range of services it was to be collected upon, would give
enormous impetus to the underground economy. It was obvious
that a tax on untraceable and objectively non-quantifiable
services was completely unenforceable on any reasonable
basis. The door was opened for fraud on a massive scale. I
was right. Canadians by and large respected their tax system
up until the GST was implemented. It soon became apparent as
to how easy it was to avoid paying GST on services either
through barter or off book transactions. It legitimized tax
evasion in the minds of millions of Canadians even though the
evasion is illegal.
If the government wants to make tax collectors out of
millions of ordinary citizens who want nothing more than to
get on with their lives in peace, then it has another thing
coming. Whereas a major part of my income is derived from
paper transactions that I cannot hide-investment income, bank
interest etc., I am certainly not going to quibble with the
carpenter if he will work for me for $15 an hour off the
books than $35 on the books. Therein lies the stupidity of
the way the GST was structured. The old federal sales tax
was collected against traceable manufactured goods. Goods
that simply could not be hidden from the tax man. However,
millions of service workers, part time and full time can go
off the books if they are not making anything traceable.
In the end because they go off book to evade the GST, these
people also now are off the books in terms of income taxes as
Less any politician or economist try to deny this is
happening on anything less than a massive scale, it is common
knowledge in Quebec that 50% of home construction and
renovation is off book. If you leave cash at a restaurant
anywhere in the Laurentians instead of a credit card, the GST
is not billed. More and more transactions are going off book,
whether it is through billing at reduced rates to prove a
transaction and then with partial payment in cash as well to
make up the difference or out and out evasion through seeking
work for cash, this has major implications for the respect we
all have for the tax system. Garth Turner can go red in the
face appealing for compliance but most Canadians just do not
feel that evasion of the GST has anything to do with their
perception of themselves as honest citizens. About a week
after I had written the above, a good article appeared in the
Montreal Gazette which I have included in the appendix
outlines the views of the head of the Quebec Manufacturers'
How do we change it?
A Goods Tax Without the Services.
I propose that the GST should be amended from being a goods
and services tax back to being a tax applied only to those
commodities that are actually unit traceable in the economy.
In other words, make it a goods tax again and get it off
services. If we want to tax services we have to do it on the
income side and not on the consumption side. In fact because
services are an expanding part of our economy, it is better
to encourage the above board use of services and tax them on
the income side. We will get far better reporting of economic
activity as well.
That is how I would deal with the GST problem and it is a
solution that I have not heard from anyone else. The
government of the day made a bad judgement call attempting to
throw an enormous net over all items in the economy no doubt
motivated by its need for revenues to create the operating
surplus. It has got less than it actually thought it would,
and it is time to change the system. Going back to a goods
tax even if at a higher rate is preferable to the present
system. In fact, I would eliminate the value added nature of
reporting the tax completely as it is incredibly costly in
terms of paperwork and it is open to massive fraud. False
invoices can be presented for refund. Has the Department of
Revenue ever contemplated how they could verify the billions
of invoices in the system. The problem with possible fraud
is not even discussed.
I would go for a straight federal sales tax at retail point
of sale on manufactured goods period.
Chapter 6.
Investment Tax Credits.
I want to propose a complete overhaul of the way government
tries to encourage investment. For anyone who has taken the
route of going after a government grant, subsidy or loan, it
is an eye opening experience into the vagaries of decision
making and bureaucracy at its best. Any system that calls for
subjective decision making on the part of bureaucrats in
assessing the merits of a given investment proposal is wrong
in a free market economy. This is an area of government
activity that I would eliminate on a wholesale basis. The
only rational basis for deciding who gets a break must be
totally objective, above board, and open to all.
First of all, the opportunities for fraud again are enormous.
We have had convictions and we presently have court cases
pending aginst M.P.'s for alleged shakedowns or kickbacks.
Where large subsidies or concessions are made such as to
multinationals, there exists the possibilty of having our
politicians being bought lock, stock and barrel. It is a
simple matter to place a million or two into a Swiss account
for the benefit of a politician or bureaucrat when all he has
to do is persuade the provincially owned power supplier or
some other agency to offer an incentive that will bring the
investment to his province. The Paris, London or New York
apartment is available and the possibility of a fat
consulting appointment after political life is always
attractive. This goes on and we all know it. Secret deals
that have to be forced out into the open through the Quebec
legislature have no place in my idea of a fair and open
marketplace. It is time to put an end to it with a complete
overhaul of our system of investment incentives.
Regional development grants bring out the worst in many
cases. The list is long-Bricklin in New Brunswick is a
classic example. Industry should not be motivated to locate
on the basis of a grant. It should only make the loaction
decision on sound business rationale-close to markets and
suppliers and raw materials and a skilled labour force.
Drawing industry to out of the way locations is self-
defeating. It eventually fails and no one benefits.
Those areas of the country like the Maritimes that do not
have ready market access for manufactured goods would be far
better off investing in new knowledge based development than
in plants and manufacturing facilities.
How then do we do this? How to we restructure the whole field
of grants, subsidies and loans to eliminate the possibility
of fraud and drawing industry to locales it should never go
in the first place? We do it by offering a system of above
board, pre-established tax credits against future profits.
In this way, we ensure that the decision to invest is made
only on the assumption of future profits and it is not a
scheme to defraud the government of money up front. This
will eliminate most of the fraud but more importantly, it
will eliminate any investment that isn't good to begin with.
We ensure honesty by eliminating any possibility of
politicians and bureaucrats putting the touch on the investor
or vice-versa. We ensure long term commitment. The
government has no money invested or guaranteed. The only
investment the government has is a contingent asset- an
investment in the future profit stream if the venture is
successful. The government is willing to forego part of the
future profit stream as an incentive to get the company to
invest. This is a very different approach from the massive
contingent liabilities already accumulated by our governments
both federal and provincial in the field of industrial
development. Presently the situation is such that if a
venture fails, it is the taxpayer, more than likely who ends
up funding the loss.
Meanwhile, the government is assured of economic activity, of
employment creation and income tax collection on these
employees etc. It is simple. It is effective. But most of
all, prudent and honest businessmen prefer above board open
incentives offered to all so that there is no possibility of
favoritism or croneyism in the decision making process.
Certain municipalities are already in on this act by offering
property tax breaks for new home construction and it is
working. There are all sorts of creative ways of designing
these incentives but the most important points to keep in
mind is that they are open to all, they are above board, and
they do not cost the government anything up front. It is the
way to go and it is a way to eliminate a whole government
department and field of activity that should never have been
created in the first place.
What rates and incentives should be offered? The
possibilities are many and I will just mention a couple of
ways to do it. We should keep in mind that multinationals
especially can manipulate their bottom line profits either
through transfer pricing or managment fees etc. to have very
little profit. Offering an income tax credit to them of say
10% of the investment may not be as attractive as saying we
will offer you a payroll tax credit of 20% of the investment.
In this way, the incentive becomes attractive in another way.
Like any good business, the government should become customer
oriented and offer the tax credit incentives in a range of
forms. Either as an income tax credit, a dividend tax
credit, a payroll tax credit, an energy tax credit; the point
being that every industry has different scales of investment
in terms of capital and labour, and paybacks may vary from
immediate income generation to several years continued
outflow of investment before profits come on stream. In this
way we can help knowledge based industries to develop as
well. If you create jobs, a payroll tax credit would apply.
The gist of the matter is: make an investment of any type and
we will give you the credit of your choice. Investment means
jobs in the long run for the Canadian economy.
Other Deductions as Incentives.
The present tax code that deals with CNIL (Cumulative Net
Investment Losses) is Greek to me even though I have a
Masters in Business Adminstration from Cornell. The standing
joke when this whole area appeared in the tax code that CNIL
stood for the Cayman's National Investment Line. It was
better to get your tax paid dollars out of Canada and make
them disappear than to try and deal with a tax code that made
no sense at all. The complexity of how to treat investment
losses is a nightmare and I am sure it has led to more than
one complex and time consuming objection at the Revenue
Let's get rid of the sham. Let's make it real simple for all
of us. If you make an investment in the reasonable
expectation of making a profit, all losses either capital or
income losses in early years should be deductible against any
other income. Stop differentiating income. A dollar is a
dollar is a dollar. If it is invested, it is working in the
economy. The objective is to get it invested. If the
government adopts a policy of letting people invest how and
where they want to invest, I can assure the government that
taxpayers by and large are not stupid and they will invest in
the best places-the bricks and mortar and machinery of
factories, apartments and houses. Differentiating between
sources of business income and losses is just a pointless
exercise in complexity. Simplify. If I am hard working
doctor with a large cash income and I want to build an
apartment building then give me the ability to write off the
early losses against my cash income from doctoring. If I take
$100,000 of equity and $900,000 of bank debt to build the
apartment building I am creating economic activity way beyond
the level of just taking my $100,000 and putting it in a
mutual fund that may very well be investing 100% of it
overseas! Worse still that doctor may just take the $100,000
out of Canada himself and put it in the Caymans or someplace
else and the taxman here never sees it again. It is time we
smartened up!
To give you an example of where truth meets fiction in
a way that demonstrates exactly how private investment
suffered in the 1980's compared to public spending, I have
compared the total amounts of new issues of corporate common
stock, preferred stock and corporate bonds in the 1980-88
period and the new issues of debt every year by the federal
government. This is a lesson in leverage being placed upon
the private sector. About two years after government
borrowing accelerated, corporate debt also balooned.
End guarantees. The government is on the hook for all sorts
of things it should never be involved in. A case in point:
export development. Leave this to the private sector. Rather
than just guaranteeing exports, the EDC has become actively
involved in promoting all sorts of exports that we should not
be involved in to begin with. Mr. Jean Chretien has recently
proposed a program whereby the government will request that
the banks not take personal guarantees from small businessmen
and the loans will be guaranteed by the government. This is a
proposal equivalent to the situation that the savings and
loans got into in the United States. The government
guaranteed the deposits so it didn't matter if you made bad
loans, the government would be there to pick up the loss.
This typifies for me the paucity of imagination in new policy
iniatives coming forth. Personal guarantees ensure personal
commitment and form an essential part of our contractual
common law history. The government has no place in this area.
Let the banks assess the risk and apply the premium. It's
simple logic. If the deal isn't good enough for a private
underwriter to assume the risk, it certainly isn't good for
the taxpayer.
If the objective is to get money working, to get people
taking risks, to create judicious leverage in the economy,
then this is the route to take. I am going to devote an
entire Chapter to my next topic Capital Gains Taxes.
Chapter 7